Purpose of the project
The purpose of this research is to gain further understanding on how migrants (defined as someone living in Japan for longer than one year) from Europe to Japan decide whether to stay and possibly settle in Japan, return to their country of origin or to a third country.
The project is entitled “Staying or leaving? Choices of further mobility or settlement of European migrants in Japan” funded by the following two grants scheduled for the period between April 2019 through March 2023.
- Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Grant in Aid for Young Researchers, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19K13895
- Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (A)), JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19KK0315
The project consists from two main parts:
- Questionnaire survey: a questionnaire survey on Europeans living in Japan, their life and experience of living here and future plans
- Interview survey: interviews with individuals living in Japan and those with an experience of living here but choosing to move to Europe later
Principal Investigator
Miloš DEBNÁR, Lecturer at the Faculty of International Studies of Ryukoku Unviersity in Kyoto, Japan
You can find more information about me here:
- Research profile & activities in English at the Researchgate
- Research profile & activities in Japanese at the researchmap
- you can follow me on Bluesky
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