Interview survey and privacy

Each of the interviews for this project will held upon informed consent of the interviewee. Participant will get explanation of their rights, project’s purpose and risks and benefits of the participation before the actual interview. This page aims to outline the basic information included in the informed consent form.

Privacy protection

The names of participants will not be associated in any publication or presentation with the information collected about them or with the research findings from this study. Instead, the researcher(s) will use a pseudonym rather than the name. The protection of privacy of the participants is of the utmost importance for the researcher. The data from informants will not be shared with any third party without their written consent or unless required by law or university policy. Security measures to prevent any leakage of the data, such as secured storing and encryption of the data, will be adopted.

Risks and benefits of the study

There are no known risks or direct benefits for the participants anticipated in this research. However, the character of the interviews might inflict emotional distress or discomfort for some individuals. In such case, the participant has the right not to answer or discontinue the interview.

Rights of the participants

  • Participation in this project is voluntary. Interviewees will not be paid for participation and they can withdraw and discontinue participation at any time without penalty.
  • Interviewees have right to decline to answer any question or to end the interview any time.
  • Interviewees can ask for reviewing the usage of their interview data before the publication of outcomes. Interviewees can also ask for any published results from this research to be sent to them by the researcher.
  • Interviewees will get a detailed explanation and copy of the informed consent form before the interview.

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